April 08, 2021

Dear Baby

Dear Baby,

The past week has been a heck of a roller coaster for me. A lot of changes have been happening to my body but the worst of it has been the mind turmoil, the uncertainty of what is going on inside my body and the myriad of questions running through my mind; I'm i pregnant or my mind is just making up these symptoms? If I am, am I ready to be your a mother, your mother??? I'm i ready? How will i take care of you? 

I told your daddy that I was feeling unwell, he thought I had the Corona Virus at first, that's the worst thing that could happen he said, a baby we can deal with that. But I know he was freaking out inside, he knows how to present a calm front. 

Today, I was feeling much calmer so I called you daddy to put his mind as ease. You see, I don't think we are both ready for you if you came. Your dad, I kind of think that he feels he is not there yet. But he's a very good man, and he works very hard. You see, him and I things are kind of complicated. But you don't need to worry yourself about that.

Despite all the worry and panic, baby if at all you came. I would love you with all my heart, I will put you first, I will do my best to give you the world, the world I never had. I will raise you up in your godly purpose. You will never lack anything good, you will not know any pain or suffering. And your papa, I'm pretty sure he would rise to the challenge.

Till then my love, hang tight

December 23, 2018

As another year draws to a Close

Dear Lord,

I know that you transcend our earthly realm and  time, you live and exist in eternity, you authored time. You hold time in your hands, you know the end from the beginning, you who was is and will be be. As the author of my life and days, there's nothing new about each passing moment or each new year that comes in, because it all exists in you already.

Thank you father for the past that had just been revealed to me, thank you for the year ahead . And in the last few days of the year 2018, lord am seeking your face to unveil your plans, your desires and intents that you have for me ahead. I don't want to write down any plans and goals for the year ahead without you. The part of me that always wants to self determine, i bring under subjection father even as i take these 3 days to fast and pray, to seek your face and your counsel. My spirit is tuned in to receive definite and clear directions and counsel in the following areas

1. In my ministry year ahead: Where do you want me to go? what do you want me to do or achieve? what do you want me to change and how do you want me to do things?

2. In my walk with you: First i thank you for the increase of the word in my life, the devil tried it , he tried to snatch the word and take away my faith but he failed. Praise God! I celebrate the word in my life and the results its producing. I am a winner and victor, I am here standing today, I overcame and prevailed, I was graced and mightily favored BECAUSE OF THE WORD!

I received guidance and counsel on how to improve and develop my character, my personality, what books should i read? who should i be friends with and what company should i avoid? In my giving, what level should i increase to? Soul winning , personal evangelism etc

3. I receive counsel and guidance in my finances, where , what and how I should spend or save.

4. In my family , i receive a word and revelation for my family because honestly God, sometimes i don't know where to start from and how i should pray for them, thank you holy spirit, you know what i ought to pray for and how.

5. I receive guidance and direction in my relationships, this heart you gave me father can be something else when infatuated so i certainly don't want to lead or make decisions with it. I prayed earlier this year that I would meet should meet the one i should marry and serve God with and fulfill our life calls and destiny together. I don't want my infatuated heart to have a say in this , so lord i ask for your definite answer or direction or confirmation... Anything.. Let it be clear as a summer sky, I don't want to play guessing games.. and if i should just move on and wait, my heart is helped to be obedient and do so


July 03, 2018

Live Love Laugh ( A reflection on Prayer)

What peace that comes in the place of prayer
The peace that passes all understanding
The peace that transcends present situations, predicaments, circumstances
In the place of prayer, My spirit communes and communicates with God ,
Pouring out all fear all burdens all doubts any concernsto the lord
In the place of prayer, I allow God to be my heavenly father, To be papa God
And like any loving father, through his holy spirit he comes to me and helps
me in my weaknesses. Even when words fail me and do not know what prayer to offer or
how i should offer it, he tells me that he takes over my prayers and interceds for me
with groanings that cannot be uttered, for he knows the depth of my heart . In the place
of prayer, I know that all things work together for my good, not just because i love God but because
he loved me first, he loved me so much so that he planned and predestined my future, In the eyes of
my heavenly father, my future has already been carved out for me. It is in the place of prayer
that he lets me in on this marvelous plan he has for me, that is why when i get out of my prayer closet,
there can only be clarity and peace, because I have been with my father :-)

(Romans 8 :27-28)


March 01, 2016

solitude and Silence.


I just realised that I haven't written in over 6 months, it's amazing how life can just take you over that you forget about the simple pleasures and just doing the  things that you love. With that being said, here I am again trying to piece together this post, I'm a bit rusty and short of words but I am getting there. It's taken quite a lot for me to pick up the computer and finally bring myself to even type this, One of those things is the opportunity to finally have some solitude.